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Definition: or Bendir; North African tambourine, round wooden 40 or 59 cm across, with two strings stretched under its skin to produce a buzzing sound, Morroco, Algeria, Tunisia.

Read the full World & Folk Drums FAQ Page.
Price: $265.00

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Valentino VVB-925 Violin Bow, 4/4 Size Pernambuco octagonal stick, abalone slide

Valentino VVB-925 Violin Bow, 4/4 Size

Pernambuco octagonal stick, abalone slide

Item ID: GR69092   Model No: VVB-925   
    Product Features
  • Silver plated copper wire lapping
    Product Specifications
  • Made in: China
  • Model Number: VVB-925
Best Seller - Top selling item
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4/4 Violin Bows Information

Hobgoblin music sells and stocks a fully comprehensive range of bows for violin, viola, 'cello and double bass. We sell new student brazil wood/horse hair bows starting from as little as £10.95 in a variety of sizes, up to and including new silver and gold mounted pernambuco bows for the professional and serious amateur player. Please enquire for prices and specifications.
Click through to our Bows Information Page
Valentino: Valentino offer an excellent range of violins from beginners to intermediate. All our violins have great specifications and come with Prelude violin strings . All violins come with bow and case as standard   View all Valentino Bows   View all Valentino Products