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Definition: Small frame drum, usually with a skin and metal jingles around the rim. probably of middle eastern origin, similar to the Dafe. known in Europe since at least the 18th century.
Read the full Hand Percussion FAQ Page.
Price: $265.00

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Ukulele ToneRite Simply attach the ToneRite whenever you are not playing

Ukulele ToneRite

Simply attach the ToneRite whenever you are not playing

Item ID: GR58011   
    Product Features
  • Accelerates the play-in process by using a set of sub-sonic frequencies to simulate the same physics as long term playing.
  • Expect to hear a dramatic increase in resonance, balance and range after only a week's worth of use.
    Product Specifications
  • The ToneRite accelerates the play-in process by using a set of sub-sonic frequencies to simulate the same physics as long term playing.
  • Made in: USA
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Ukulele Pickups Information

We stock dynamic and condenser mics, also mic systems from Microvox which use small electret mics to attach to a wide variety of instruments. We also sell a rance of transtucers and magnetic pickups for guitars and other frets.
Tonerite: The ToneRite? is the world's most advanced and premier play-in device.   View all Tonerite Mics, Pickups, Cables, Stands   View all Tonerite Products