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Definition: Small free reed instrument from England, usually hexagonal in shape. there are three common keyboard layouts, each completely different to play on. Anglo, English and Duet (McCann, Crane, Jeffries and Hayden are all types of duet).
Read the full Concertina FAQ Page.
Price: $545.00

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Scarlatti SC-30 C/G Anglo Concertina, 30 Key Wooden ends with an internal acrylic board for extra stable buttons

Scarlatti SC-30 C/G Anglo Concertina, 30 Key

Wooden ends with an internal acrylic board for extra stable buttons

Item ID: GR47014   Model No: SC-30   
    Product Features
  • 8 folded bellows. Comfortable sized plastic buttons.
  • Basic adjustable hand strap.
  • A great starter concertina to get you off the ground and playing some tunes!
    Product Specifications
  • Reeds: Accordion reeds attached to reed blocks. Waxed in reeds.
  • Number of Keys: 30
  • Made in: China
  • Model Number: SC-30
Best Seller - Top selling item
Complete With Gig Bag - Complete with Gig Bag
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Anglo Concertinas Information

The Anglo is commonly used for dance-music, particularly Morris, and Irish music. It's also used to accompany songs, shanties etc. Each button produces a different note on the push and draw of the bellows (so there are TWO notes per button). The high notes are on the right-hand end, the low on the left. So you can play the tune with the right hand, and vamp chords with the left.
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Scarlatti: Economical and reliable accordions from China   View all Scarlatti Anglo Concertinas   View all Scarlatti Products

Scarlatti Accordions, Melodeons and Concertinas are made in China. They have good reeds, and the instruments are excellent value, although they are not finished to the standards of European makers. The Scarlatti range is ideal for beginners, and they are priced very attractively to enable you to take a chance and see if the instrument is for you. Although they are a beginner's instrument, they are of a much higher quality than the Chinese Accordions, melodeons and concertinas of the past, and will keep you going for some time!