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Definition: The family name of all instruments which have strings stretched across a box. Popular in central Europe, In addition to the melody strings, the Concert Zither has a guitar type fretboard (similar to the epinette des vosges), and other models have strings grouped together in chords.
Read the full Autoharps, Zithers & Dulcimers FAQ Page.
Price: $19.95

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Atlas Inca Ocarina from Peru 8 hole pottery ocarina with a colorful design

Atlas Inca Ocarina from Peru

8 hole pottery ocarina with a colorful design

Item ID: GR27012   Model No: AW-L10   
    Product Features
  • Attractive Ocarina thats great for kids!
  • Comes in various colors
  • Classic terracotta design, ethically traded product
    Product Specifications
  • A great sounding Ocarina from Peru!
  • Made in: Peru
  • Model Number: AW-L10
Best Seller - Top selling item
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Ocarinas Information

The Ocarina is an egg-shaped fipple blown wind instrument. There are six or more finger holes, three for each hand. It is blown like a recorder or whistle, and is generally tuned to a diatinic scale. The come in both a flattened ovum shape with the mouthpiece on the perimeter, and in a sideways submarine shape with the mouthpiece on the side.
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