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Definition: End-blown flute with a wooden block and fipple which originated in renaissance Europe. Also known as flute a bec, and blockflöte.
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Price: $4.55

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Glenluce Scottish Practice Chanter Reed Standard plastic chanter reed

Glenluce Scottish Practice Chanter Reed

Standard plastic chanter reed

Item ID: GR26085   Model No: GBS-C314   
    Product Features
  • Conventional synthetic reed for GHB practice chanter
  • Reliable, traditional sounding reed
  • Perfect for wooden Glenluce chanters
    Product Specifications
  • A great value practice chanter reed
  • Made in: Pakistan
  • Model Number: GBS-C314
Best Seller - Top selling item
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1 877 866 3936
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Bagpipe Reeds Information

The drones and Scottish chanter reeds generally don't give much trouble, but Northumbrian and particularly Irish chanter reweds can be a real pain. You should take great care with a good reed to make it last. You must also expect to do work on a new Irish reed to get good results in your chanter.
Click through to our Consumables: Strings, Reeds Information Page
Glenluce: Reliable Scottish and Irish traditional Instruments at economical prices   View all Glenluce Consumables: Strings, Reeds   View all Glenluce Products

The Glenluce instruments are made for us in Pakistan, with a solid wood rim, and natural goat skin. Despite the low price, they are extremely reliable and the skins stay on well. The makers have developed the range and listened to input from players, and this has resulted in some great sounding new Bodhrans