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Definition: traditionally used by aboriginal people of Northern Australia; an end-blown, straight, natural trumpet, without separate mouthpiece, made from termite hollowed eucalyptus branch, stripped of its outer bark, with beeswax at mouth end.

Read the full Other Folk Woodwind FAQ Page.
Price: $335.00

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Contemporanea XE05 Xequere Professional, Large Large Gourd shaker,  large throat

Contemporanea XE05 Xequere Professional, Large

Large Gourd shaker, large throat

Item ID: GR19316   Model No: XE05   
    Product Features
  • Loose beading
    Product Specifications
  • Made in: Brazil
  • Model Number: XE05
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Bells, Eggs & Shakers Information

We have all kinds of good things here for shaking. Eggs, Morris bells, maracas, cabasa, calabash, shekere, rainmakers and the amazing Thunder tube. School discount available
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