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Definition: Greek long necked lute related to the Turkish Saz; 3 or 4 double courses of metal strings. Adopted by Irish musicians more recently.

Read the full Bouzoukis FAQ Page.
Price: $75.00

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Atlas AP-A330 10 Note Kalimba Solid mahogany body with sound hole and 2 inchwah holes at the back

Atlas AP-A330 10 Note Kalimba

Solid mahogany body with sound hole and 2 inchwah holes at the back

Item ID: GR18020   Model No: AP-A330   
    Product Features
  • 10 carbon steel tongues
  • Complete with bag, tuning hammer and tuning sticker
  • Nice, resonant construction
    Product Specifications
  • Based on traditional designs found throughout Africa.
  • Made in: China
  • Model Number: AP-A330
Best Seller - Top selling item
Complete With Gig Bag - Complete with Gig Bag
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Thumb Pianos Information

The Mbira, Kalimba, Sansa, Budongo or thumb piano is played across all of Southern Africa. The instrument is made of a wooden plate or sometimes a wooden box (with or without sound hole). A number of metal tongues, usually between 5 and 24 are attached. These are tuned by adjusting the sounding length of the tongue and can be fine-tuned with a metal file if needed.
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