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Definition: American development of African origins (related to the Kora etc., but with a guitar type neck). Found with 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 or more strings, popular types are the 5 string, Tenor (4 string), Plectrum (long neck 4 string), Banjolele (Ukulele Banjo), Banjolin (Mandolin Banjo).
Read the full Banjo FAQ Page.
Price: $285.00

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Leiva CAJ100 ZOCO Cajon, 1 DTS 100% Siberian birch wood 3mm front panel. Black body with natural front

Leiva CAJ100 ZOCO Cajon, 1 DTS

100% Siberian birch wood 3mm front panel. Black body with natural front

Item ID: GR17616   Model No: CAJ100   
    Product Features
  • Hand crafted humidity treated 12mm solid MDF body. D.T.S with 2 snare strings and 2 external tuning controls.
  • Designed for a student but with professional craftsmanship.
  • Height: 48cm; Width: 30cm; Depth: 32cm.
    Product Specifications
  • J Leiva is the most innovative Spanish Cajon maker. The unique patented DTS system for snare control is the main feature. The factory is extremely high tech, the result is very musical.
  • Made in: Spain
  • Model Number: CAJ100
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Cajons Information

The Cajon is the Spanish/Latin American percussion box (the word cajon means box). It has become very popular this century partly because the tone of the box is clean and does not ring on and so works very well to accompany stringed instruments, for instance a flamenco guitar. The player sits on the cajon and plays the front plate with the tips of the fingers and the palm of the hand.
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