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Definition: small flat backed wire-strung plucked instrument; played with a plectrum; popular from renaissance to baroque times. Modern citterns are much bigger, and more like mandolins in shape. Usually with 10 strings in 5 courses. Related to Portuguese Guitarra.
Read the full Citterns FAQ Page.
Price: $145.00

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Dream C-SP12 Contact Splash Cymbal 12inch Wider lathing, lively, bright and warm

Dream C-SP12 Contact Splash Cymbal 12inch

Wider lathing, lively, bright and warm

Item ID: GR14072   Model No: C-SP12   
    Product Features
  • Hand Hammered
    Product Specifications
  • Bright and bold, Contac features a more traditionally shaped bow and slightly deeper profile with a larger bell. The deep wide lathing gives the stick a lively feel - higher pitched but still rich and warm.
  • Made in: Canada
  • Model Number: C-SP12
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Splash Cymbals Information

Pickups and microphones for a wide range of acoustic instruments, along with pre-amps and power supplies.
Dream: Every Dream cymbal and gong is hand-forged using ancient traditions of mixing fire and hammering bronze with craftsmanship to create a unique work of art, as individual and unique as your playing.   View all Dream Cymbals and Gongs   View all Dream Products