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Try the instruments for yourself! We keep a huge and varied stock of new and secondhand instruments.


Definition: (or tabla-bayan) - NB Indian: an asymmetrical pair of small, tuned hand played drums (of the kettle-drum type) of north and central India, Pakistan and Bangladesh; the tabla drum is of wood, the Bayan of metal.

Read the full World & Folk Drums FAQ Page.


> Acoustic Guitars
Our Acoustic Guitar section includes all the steel strung, acoustic guitars with and without pickup. Flat top 6 strings, Arch top 6 strings, Gypsy Jazz guitars and 12 strings. The steel string acoustic is suitable for most types of music except Classical and Flamenco. It has a slimmer neck than a Classical guitar and generally more
May 2025: We are not currently accepting online orders as our dispatch center is closed for a couple of weeks. Please contact us with any inquiries and we will get back to you as soon as we can