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Try the instruments for yourself! We keep a huge and varied stock of new and secondhand instruments.


Definition: Lute-type; triangle shape; national instrument of Russia. Really a family of instruments, including Piccolo, Prima, Secunda, Alto, Bass and Contra-bass.

Read the full Other Fretted Instruments FAQ Page.
Our 40th Anniversary full colour printed Catalogue is now available! We offer you a unique range of unusual and exciting acoustic and folk instruments from all over the world at great prices. Every item has been chosen to give the best quality at each price level. So give us a call, buy here online, or visit one of our music shops, our staff are friendly and well informed. You pay the same price whether you buy online or in our shops. We do trade-ins, part exchange, appraisals and buy instruments for cash.

  • To give beginners a chance to take up a folk instrument, as well as to provide the best for those who already play.
  • To encourage people to discover and enjoy their own musical heritage & all types of folk music now played in these islands.
  • To help keep music live, by making real acoustic instruments widely available at affordable prices, and sponsoring live events.
  • To encourage people to make music themselves, by taking up a musical instrument. You are never too young or too old to start!
Read our Aims in Full
Hobgoblin Music was founded in 1976 by Mannie and Pete McClelland while searching for a concertina for her to play. Many other interesting instruments came to light and the search grew into a business as they discovered they were not the only ones who wanted to buy folk instruments, but couldn’t find any. read more...
Selected from our Instrument FAQ


Definition: Italian lute, now popular with celtic musicians. Originally bowl backed, now often has a flat back like a cittern and 8 strings.
Introduction: The Mandola (the big brother of the Mandolin), has 8 strings in 4 pairs, tuned in 5ths. The Mandola retains the high-tension stringing but allows lower parts to be played. The Tenor Mandola (or Mandola) is tuned as a Viola, CGDA, one fifth below a mandolin. Octave Mandolas (also known as Octave Mandolins in America) are popular because of their suitability for Acoustic and Celtic music, being tune...
Read our Mandolas FAQ Page or go to the Hobgoblin Instrument Info and FAQ Menu.